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Friday 9 August 2013

Saturday Spankings Blog Hop

I'm really looking forward to this weeks blog hop having missed out last week due to my holidays (oh, all right vacation, if you insist!) I'm back, relaxed and tanned (of course I meant sun-tanned.) I had a great week catching up on some leisure reading and next week I'll be posting my reviews on what I read.

I'm giving you another little piece of Maeve's story for this week. Maeve is caught between submitting to a spanking, or refusing. Here's how Larry handles it.

“Get em off,” he growled pointing at her pants.
“No!” she replied firmly, “You have no right.”
“No, maybe I don’t but you’re gonna get it anyway, either now, or later, when you ask for it. I’ll be pissed at you and you’ll be sulking with me until you do ask; maybe in a few hours or maybe even days.  If you leave it until that, it’s an extra ten strokes with the belt on top the rest of the spanking.”
Maeve realised he was right, the silent fighting would be torture and she would come back for it later as she had before, and she started fumbling with the button on her trousers, muttering “Ok.”
Before Maeve even realised what was happening Larry had grabbed her and upended her over his knee, roughly pulling her trousers down without even opening the button, which popped off, rolling onto the floor. He started spanking, hard and fast, over and over. 

I hope you enjoyed this little snippet. I'm probably last on the list as I'm only back, but if you haven't already done so, be sure to visit all the others on the list.


  1. "Either now, or later. When you ask for it!" :) I like that

    1. Ah the fate of the spankee, they want it and they don't want it, but eventually they will need it!

  2. Very true, although I wonder what Maeve did to get Larry so riled. He is clearly very upset with her, and it's interesting that he agrees he may not have the right to spank her, but he fully intends on doing it anyway. Intriguing as always, Tara. Great snippet.

    1. Oh, he's pretty angry all right, but I'm not giving away all the secrets! Thank you Katherine

  3. oooh, She did something to piss him off. And it looks like she is doing what any guilty bottom/sub would do. If you don't get your spanking now? You will find a way to 'ask' for it. Usually by doing something you REALLY should not do.

    1. And knowing that when you "ask" it will be much worse. Thank you Thianna

  4. I love that understanding. She will ask for it and although she doesn't want it, they both need it.

  5. I had to giggle at the button popping off. My daughter once asked why pants had buttons. I had to laugh because as I looked at her, I realized she's so narrow she doesn't use the buttons! I demonstrated how as you grow older than 8 you might get hips!

    1. That's cute Natasha, I hope she doesn't need buttons for a long time!

  6. That horrible argument in your head to fight or submit, even when you know how it will eventually turn out. Great snippet.

    1. And human nature will almost insist you fight first! Thank you PK.

  7. Good excerpt Tara! Larry seems so angry he's kind of scary, I am wondering what happened between them,

    1. He's pretty mad, maybe even slightly unreasonably so! Maeve seems to think so anyway!
      Thanks Casey

  8. Inevitability of submission *really* does it for me. Wonderful.

  9. There really is no point to fighting it when it's what you really want anyway! Great snippet!

    1. No point at all, and yet sometimes the fight is as inevitable as the outcome. Thank you Tabitha

  10. Larry's a determined man. She may as well get it over with cause he's not backing down. Nice. My kind of hero;)

    1. Thank you Mary, you're right he'll wait if he has to but he will have his way in the end!

  11. Hey Tara! Did I miss the name of the book somewhere or is the from a WIP? I want to put this on my TBR list. I love a take charge, determined man who won't take any S#%t from his woman. I gotta have more.

    1. This is a WIP Maddie, its almost finished. Thank you

  12. Pre-emptive spanking can be a wonderful way to stall attitude before it takes over. :)

    Anastasia Vitsky

    1. It can indeed Ana, but attitude can be so much more fun!

  13. The button was a cute touch. He does sound determined! Nice snippet.

  14. He sounds really pissed off. Hope he doesn't go overboard.

    1. You'll just have to wait and see, Cara! Thanks.

  15. Loved it! Hope you had a great holiday!

    1. It was wonderful thank you Renee, I miss the sunshine already!

  16. I loved your snippet Tara! LOVED the button rolling across the floor. It’s the little details sometimes...

    1. Thank you Constance, I agree, it's often the little details that get me when I'm reading, they can paint such a picture.

  17. Oh God, I've totally been there... it's an awful place to be. great snippet.

  18. hm interesting... yes, the dialogue's great and I echo the "hope he doesn't go overboard" in his anger that I saw as I was scrolling down to the comment box. Popping off the button? wow

    1. Ach sure they don't make clothes like they used to Joelle ;) thank you
