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Friday, 20 September 2013

#Satspanks - Mastering Maeve snip. 20/9/13

Saturday snips are just the best and it's looking like a deliciously long list this weekend folks, so grab the popcorn, kick the family out and settle down and enjoy.

Last week I shared a snip from Mastering Maeve, my recently finished WIP. Maeve had been unceremoniously upended over Larry's lap for whopping him one across the face. A silly move as he was a potential investor in her grandmother's small hotel.

I'm giving you the next consecutive 8 sentences.

Maeve was too shell shocked to do anything other than yell. She kicked her legs furiously but he simply pinned them between his so she was lying across one knee and held down by the other. She thumped at his muscular thighs with her fists but she may as well have been a fly landing on his strong legs. She became aware that he was pulling down her leggings; the humiliation would have been totally unbearable except she just didn’t have time to deal with it at that precise moment. The urgency to make the thrashing stop was her most pressing need.
“Let me go, you bastard,” she shouted. “I’ll see you locked up for this.”
“Let me remind you who cast the first stone,” he replied, still thwacking down on her behind. 

It would appear that poor Maeve is a slow learner. Her temper got her into this and it sure as hell wasn't going to get her out of it!

Mastering Maeve has not yet been published but if you want few tasters to see the dynamics between this pair here is a link to previous snips.

If you like these have a look at My Naughty Little Secret

Thanks for dropping in, all comments are gratefully appreciated. Enjoy the rest of the blog hop and do visit all the entrants listed below. They'll warm up your September Saturday, I can promise you. 


  1. Naughty, naughty Maeve. How long until she learns her lesson? ;)

    1. She's Irish...not easily brought to heel! Thanks Ana.

  2. Goodness Maeve is a feisty one, isn't she?
    I think he's just going to spank all the harder the more fuss she puts up. Especially since she's thumping her hands down on his thighs. Oh what a naughty, naughty girl she is.
    Tasty temptation, Tara.

  3. I loved that scene and am loving the whole story and I love that you always have these feisty, no-nonsense kind of heroines.

    1. Aw, thanks so much Natasha. You're too kind.

  4. Ooh, I love the non-con!
    She should probably relax and take what's coming to her, if she knows what's good for her. ;)

    Great excerpt, Tara!

    1. Yep, she proably should...but can she? Thanks Katherine

  5. I'm not sure why, but those leggings are really, really hot!

    1. Mmm, I have a bit of a thing about leggings too. Some say they're unflattering but I love that they just wrap around curves!
      Thanks Emily

  6. Oh dear, Maeve. We are determined to be a slow learner, aren't we? lol

  7. Yeah, those leggings are awesome. A lovely touch that I can see sliding down her legs. Now, Maeve just needs a good spanking. :)

    1. And nothing better than a big strong angry Texan to give it. Thanks Alice

  8. The slow learners are my favorite, it make so much more of an impression when they do learn.

    1. Not to mention the impressions that need to be made on their behinds first!. Thanks PK

  9. I just finished My Naughty Little Secret & I am salivating for your next release. Thank goodness for Saturday Spanks to hold me over! Your feisty female leads are so much fun!I think Maeve's feistiness is going to give her more than she bargained for. I have a feeling it will be worth it in the end though.

    1. Oh, thank you so much Corinne, that's such a lovely thing to say. I can't wait to hear news of it either. Hopefully soon.

  10. Haha love this so much! Trying to fight so hard. I just love feisty heroines.

  11. I love non-con and feisty, fighting brats. Hot, hot.

  12. Maeve cracks me up. Love this snippet!

    1. Thanks Normandie, she doesn't make life easy for herself, that's for sure.

  13. I personally love it when the heroine fights back. Not every heroine in a spanking romance is a spanko!

    1. True Cara, nor are all spankos naturally submissive, especially to a stranger. There is a wide spectrum in spanking romance, just as there is in real life. Thank you.

  14. Yep, I'd say it's fair. Tit for tat! Great snippet!

  15. I agree - leggings are hot! Great snippet, Tara!

  16. My guess is that she's not actually going to call the cops. She's more fight than retribution, based upon what you've shared so far. Well done.

  17. great snippet! I love how bratty Maeve is :d

  18. Love the snippet. Bratty Maeve. They'll eventually get it hammered out, I hope.
