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Friday, 20 June 2014

Spank A2Z R is for Riverdance and world Records

A2Z-Logo--C1is for Riverdance

First of all, full credit for today’s topic goes to Katherine Deane. Without her, I would never have thought of it, even though it has some of the finest music and dance our country has to offer. On July 21 in Dublin, aa new world record was set of the longest Riverdance, with 1693 people participating and including people from 44 countries. We took the record back from Nashville, Tennessee. And it was only fitting to bring the record to Ireland, the origin of the dance.

I remember so well when this phenomenon was unveiled in the Eurovision song contest in 1994, as entertainment for the interval. The performance started with an incredibly haunting song and Jean Butler comes on, performing a stunning Irish dance. The music livens up. And Michael Flatley performs a hard shoe tap, sounds cool but even that doesn’t prepare you for what’s to come. 
Gradually the stage fills up with more and more dancers performing tap. The sound it produced was electric. The chemistry between Butler and Flatley was explosive. It was just incredible. Excitement fizzed through my veins. I doubt there was a single Irish person who wasn’t filled with a huge sense of national pride as knowing this was being projected to all of Europe.

Instead of me waxing lyrical about something that was a visual and audio feast, why not click on the link and see it for yourself. 

This is a blog hop, so hop along and see what other spanking mysteries await. Thank you for visiting and please do let me know you were here by stopping and saying hello :)

Many thanks to Celeste Jones and Spanking Romance Reviews for hosting this challenge.


  1. My phone is killing me! I loved this! Such an elegant and mesmerizing dance!! Do you Riverdance??

    1. LOL, only with a roasting!!!

      It really was an amazing act.

  2. This is a phenomenal experience. I saw it years ago with Michael Flately on a stage in Denver where the air is thin and hard to breathe unless you are used to it. To see the energy expended is beyond belief, I don't know how they do it, day after day. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Thanks Leigh.
      I saw it on stage in Hammersmith too. It was something else. The atmosphere was so charged.

  3. I remember that eurovision so well. The songs - forget them - Riverdance stole the occasion. I sat gobsmacked. I love Jean Butler. We have the original Riverdance on VHS somewhere. Gone all nostalgic now :)

    1. Lol, when Katherine suggested it , it really took me back too, Jaye. I was living in London at the time and I remember going to work on Monday, and Riverdance was almost all that was talked about. None of the usual moaning about why we bothered our arses watching it year after year.
