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Friday 13 September 2013

#Satspanks 13/9/13

I'm happy to report as I type that Friday the thirteenth has passed without catastrophe and by the time you all read this it should be Saturday the fourteenth. Now don't shake your heads and think, "Don't tell me she believes in that nonsense." This is Ireland. A country filled with lore, legend and superstition, so yes, I confess, Friday the thirteenth always makes me nervous.

So now onto a happier topic, Saturday Spankings!!!

I'm sharing a little snip from my WIP which may or not be entitled Mastering Maeve and indeed may or may not get published....watch this space!

How about a little non-con? Maeve lives and works in a small hotel in financial difficulty owned by her grandmother. They have American guests and one is considering investing in the hotel but before he gets that far Maeve's feisty temper gets the better of her....

“I’m the person who could have saved you and your grandmother from financial ruin, but right this minute I’m very glad I didn’t. Frankly, I don’t think anyone could fix your attitude, it’s all about you in your little head.”
Larry had just gone way too far for Maeve to tolerate. She lashed out and smacked him across his face, which was now bright red, a combination of anger and the handprint she had just left behind. Without as much as a word, he picked her up and carried her across to one of the old wooden desks, sat on it, and upended her across his lap. The light leggings she wore offered no protection as he started using his big hand as a paddle for her bottom.
“Don’t [smack] you [smack] ever [smack] raise [smack] your [smack] hand [smack] to me,[smack] young lady.[smack]”                      Maeve was too shell shocked to do anything other than yell.

Thank you for dropping by, please do comment, I'm dying to hear reactions to this story. And of course make sure you make the most of Saturday Spankings by visiting all of the entries, but don't blame me if they're too hot to handle!


  1. While the whole non-con might bother some people, I kind of like his reaction to the whole scene.

    And you did have one really good thing happen today :D

    1. Thanks Thia, I know you have seen more than most so that means a lot.
      Yeah, Friday the thirteenth proved to be a good day,despite omens,(kinda like the ides of March) - thanks for asking :)

  2. I love non-con! It is sexy as hell!
    She asked for it, though, when she smacked him.
    Great job!

    1. Thanks Katherine.. She did rather ask for it!

  3. What a hot little snippet Tara. Love the [SMACK]'s. I wonder what her attitude is like when he's done.

    1. Thanks LA... Her attitude after? Well we'll just have to wait and see but I don't think she'll be in a hurry to smack a man it the face again!!

  4. Nothing wrong with non-con, dub-con, whatever ;)

    I love this type of set-up for a story too. And his reaction makes perfect sense.

    1. Thanks Trent - remind me never to hit you across the face!! ;)

  5. Nothing wrong with non-con, dub-con, whatever ;)

    I love this type of set-up for a story too. And his reaction makes perfect sense.

  6. I loved this scene, am loving the story and it will get published, absolutely. And the title, Mastering Maeve - super sexy. Question for you - why did you choose an American hero (I mean beside the obvious they're hot ;)??

    1. Thanks Natasha. The premise and characters are actually thanks to James in Stormy Night. I hope he likes the finished product!

  7. I love to spank and talk at the same time, and I love this clip. It all happens so quickly; I like that!

    1. Thanks Alice,
      I think talking or lecturing during spanking is almost a must, even if the recipient isn't concentrating on the words!

  8. Love it. I never expect the one getting spanked to hear the lecture during a spanking, but I love reading it. And you're right, I think it will be some time before she smacks his face again.

    1. I think the lecture was to get it off his chest rather than for the words to sink in, the hands are doing a mighty fine job PK! Thank you

  9. Whew! Lots of action in this snippet. Can totally picture it!

  10. So there I was, in a sullen stupor, per usual, and suddenly the "non-con" alert sounded, so I rushed right over here to grab me some before the rest of these people snarfed it all up. Because, well, NON CON. FTW! Well played, Missy. I hope it gets published soon.

    1. Thanks Sheri, I'm hoping it will be out within a month or so, pending the publishers approval. Fingers and toes crossed!

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  13. Loved it Tara! The smacks noted in between, never even thought to do that, but definitely helped to draw the action of the scene out. ;)

    1. Thanks Suzy,
      you don't normally see the smacks in between in books I don't think so it may not be acceptable in the finished product, we'll see!

  14. I always like it when the man says, "if ever anyone needed..." Good job.

  15. I love the name Maeve and the snippet was great fun too. Keep going with this WIP.

  16. Yep, non-con but fully justified. Doesn't bother me in the least. :) yummy!

    1. Lol Renee, I had to make it justified to get my head around it! Now it's done once it's easy! Thank you

  17. I knew that slap wasn't going to end well. LOL. Bit of double standard -- he's raising his hand to her!

    1. Absolutely Cara! But when we're riled we're not always rational!

  18. I love non-con, dub-con stories. Nice scene.

  19. Love the irony of it all! Nice snippet Tara

  20. This was great, Tara. He's exactly my kind of hero. She asked for it and he gave it to her!!! Love non-con;)

    1. Thanks Mary...she certainly opened the door for him!

  21. I LIKE Non-con, personally...and seriously, he's just doing to her what she did to him, just repeatedly, on a different part of her anatomy. :) Great job!

    1. LOL nand a little more forcefully too perhaps Dinah. Thanks

  22. I love non-con. This was so great Tara. I LOVED it! :)

  23. Cast another vote in favor of this wonderful non-con scene! A girl who slaps a guy deserved to get her bottom paddled!

  24. Non-con is appropriate and realistic in some situations. I think this was one such. Good work!

    1. Thanks Patricia. It's finding the situation that it will work in that can be tricky in a contemporary book.

  25. I'm usually not a fan of non-con, but in this case I think it was wholly justified and sexy. Great snippet, Tara.

  26. Lovely, Tara! I don't mind non-con a bit! ;)

  27. I love what you said to PK, the lecture was to get it off his chest, not to let it sink in, his hands were doing that fine... Ha Ha! You would think you know the guy well or something!

    I love this scene. Love the desk, and using his big hand for a paddle.

  28. Lol Abbie...it's amazing how real he was... Now I'm trying to move on to something else I'm finding it really hard to let go of this pair... But it was the same last time. I wonder does that get easier as a writer gets more and more experience or do all main characters take over the writers life for a time

  29. hm I enjoy his response. I can't wait to see where you go from here with Maeve and Larry

  30. I say he has to help her now that he's spanked her. He's obligated.

    1. Ah now there's a woman after my own heart. Buy her silence? Blood money?
      Thanks Angie
