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In this spooky little Hallowe'en tale, we're going to drop in on Siobhan and Michael, the two main characters from My Naughty Little Secret...
“I’m so glad you’re here for an Irish hallowe’en,” Siobhan
told Michael. “It’s as old as the Celts and the pagan feast of Samhain. October
31 marked the end of the old Celtic calendar, and they believed the ghosts of
dead walked the earth on that night and had all sorts of customs to ward off
evil spirits.”
“You didn’t tell me before you dragged me up the aisle that
I was marrying a crack pot. Honestly you’re not to be filling this pair’s heads
with all that nonsense.” Michael looked behind affectionately at his fifteen
month old son and daughter, securely fastened in the baby chairs as they drove
along the N4 to Sligo.
“It’s not nonsense. Surely even you’ve heard of the
“Oh dear lord, don’t tell me I’m going to get a full weekend
of this…” Michael groaned.
Fond and all as he was of Siobhan’s family sometimes
he found them to be just so Irish.
Already he could imagine that dinner this evening would be a noisy affair, the
whole family around the big table, intent on ‘educating’ the English man. He
knew from experience that he could take half of the crap they fed him with a
pinch of salt.
As they arrived at the Brennan home in the seaside village of Easkey, Siobhan’s Auntie Ailish was standing at the front door,
peering down the street, as they pulled up. Michael liked her very much. She
had an uncanny way of knowing what was going on in her grand-nieces' lives
without being told. Rumour had it she read playing cards, telling the future,
for half of the neighbourhood since her arrival, but she totally refused to look
at them for her family. She had moved in
with the Brennan family only a couple of months earlier, due to ill health.
“I knew you were arriving,” she said by way of greeting as
Siobhan and Michael stooped to kiss her leathery weather-beaten cheek.
As they entered the kitchen, the aroma of freshly fried
bacon and
boxty, the traditional halowe’en tea, filled their nostrils along
with the chatter of a bustling family. Shrieks worthy of the most terrifying
banshee rang out as they all cooed over the twins, now crying from the
cacophony of sounds and sea of strange faces.
“I’m babysitting tonight so you two can go out,” Ann told
them in a voice that brooked no argument.
“But mind you douse yourselves in holy water to ward off the
evil spirits,” Auntie Ailish warned.
Michael just about managed to turn his guffaw into a
passable cough as Siobhan kicked him hard under the table.
“Auntie Ailish sees ghosts and hears the banshee,” Siobhan
warned him in a whisper as soon as she could.
Great it was now official, not
only was his wife a crackpot but it seemed it ran in the family. He resisted
the urge to argue, knowing it would be a waste of time. But by God, he resolved
that Siobhan was going to pay for the bruise he could feel forming on his shin
at the first possible opportunity. He looked forward to the thought; she hadn’t
earned a proper spanking in such a long time.
The old lady leaned over and spoke very quietly in Michael’s
ear: “Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, young
man.” Auntie Ailish warned. “And if I were you I wouldn’t let Donal know what
you intend doing to his daughter, he mightn’t see it her way.”
“You’re gone white as a sheet Michael, do you feel all
right?” Ann asked with concern.
“I’m fine, just the heat of the kitchen,” he answered. Damn,
did that woman just read his mind, he wondered?
“Will you tell us about the ‘shee, Auntie Ailish? I know it
terrifies me but Michael has never heard it.” Aislinn begged.
“When one of my relations dies, I always hear the wail of
the banshee. It’s a gift that gets handed down generation to generation, like the “cure”, or the “second sight”.
Although it’s a strange ‘gift’. Usually, I hear it before they die, and I know
someone is soon to depart this earth. They say it follows the O’s and the Mc’s,
but most families have lost it by now. I think it’s because they doubt. And
tonight’s a special night to me, all of the ghosts of my loved ones will be
close at hand, I might even get to see or talk to some of them, if the luck is
with me.”
Michael was listening to her with more respect, knowing she
had just seen inside his head. She
was certainly an uncanny woman. She
related stories from her youth, how she had first realised she could see the
dead as a young child, and strange people would sit on the edge of her bed at
night. But they hadn’t scared her. Only talked. And when she spoke to her
mother about it, her mam had just told her she had the gift, as if it was the
most natural thing in the world. He could feel shivers down his spine as she
told him about hearing the banshee the night her mother died unexpectedly. She
had heard the wail three times in her bed, and had arisen three times to greet
the banshee, but each time it stopped.
It was only when she saw her mother plainly at the foot of her bed she knew who
the banshee was wailing for. It came as no surprise when the telephone rang at
five am, announcing her mother’s massive stroke.
“What surprises me most is that none of you lot have ever
heard it. It’s already skipped one generation. I’d hate to think it’ll die off
with me, especially as my time is so nearly up.” Auntie Ailish said with a
“I think there is more than enough life in you to keep you
going another while,” Michael laughed. What was it with old people? They were
always in such a hurry to write themselves off in words but in action, the
closer death came a knocking the harder they fought him back.
After feeding time at the zoo, as Michael had come to think
of mealtimes in the Brennan household, the family all scattered their various
ways, Donal, Ann and Auntie Ailish went to see Donal’s parents and the younger
clan members went out on the town early as the local pub was hosting a bonfire.
Siobhan and he settled the terrified
twins who had spent the last hour crying at every doorbell chime signalling
more scary trick-or-treaters and even scarier relations. Finally there was
Michael raised his trouser leg. “Look what you did, young
lady,” he said ominously. Siobhan looked contrite at the sight of the blue
round mark that had formed on his leg.
“Oops, I suppose I kicked you a bit too hard, sorry about
that, but you were going to laugh at Auntie Ailish and that would have been a
big mistake.”
“So you made the mistake instead, not a very respectful way
to treat your husband is it? Get ‘em off.”
Siobhan had her jeans down around her ankles before he could
say “Jack o’ Lantern”.
“Could you not at least pretend to be scared or reluctant,
it is supposed to be a punishment you know.”
“Sorry, it’s just been so long. If I’d known a kick would
have done the trick you’d have had blue shins months ago.”
“Come here, you naughty brat, over you go. I’ll soon wipe
that smile to the other side of your face.”
Siobhan draped herself across his
lap, her very favourite place in the whole wide world. He kneaded her bottom,
still in perfect shape even after pregnancy and childbirth. He let his hand
slip between her legs and chuckled at the pool of moisture that was waiting for
him. He’d definitely left it too long. She took a sharp breath in as he lightly
pinched her clit.
“Bad girl, you’re all wet already.”
He brought his hand down
in a sharp crack causing Siobhan to moan in pleasure. He spanked harder and she
moaned again. Over and back, up and down, he spanked, whacked and thwapped. But
there was no sign of remorse on his lovely lady who was relishing every moment
of it. He was stunned to hear her shout stop. Her body certainly didn’t want
him to stop. She tensed up and became alert.
“What’s up?”
“I heard a cry, I think the twins are awake.”
Siobhan rose off his lap. He listened but could hear
nothing and pushed her back down across his knee, raising his hand.
“Listen, there it is again.” And again Michael could hear
“I’ll check the babies,” he volunteered, eager to get back
to her behind.
“Flat out,” he told her as he returned. “Now where were we?”
He undid his belt and slipped it out through the loops and
saw Siobhan shiver at the sound it made - at last she was taking notice! Even
already he noticed some of the red had faded to pale pink and he had every
intention of deepening the blush. He piled the pillows in the centre of the bed
and guided her across, folding his belt double. Her bottom was sticking up
delightfully. The dilemma was whether to spank or just take her like that. He could surely manage a few strokes before
he gave into his lustful desires, Siobhan would gloat at his weakness for her
behind if he didn’t. He brought the belt down across the centre of her cheeks
and she gave a small yelp, making him feel triumphant. He repeated this five times
when he felt a chill steal into the room. He halted in his tracks.
“What’s wrong Michael?”
“I don’t know, something walked over my grave.”
“God you’re nearly as bad as us now.” she replied.
Michael looked towards the door. Sitting on a chair beside the
door was Aunty Ailish.
“Don’t let me stop you, sonny! Give her what for. She’s bold
enough to need it.”
Michael’s mouth fell open, his belt dropped on the bed and
he quickly placed his hands to hide his massive erection which was rapidly
“What the hell?” he shouted. Siobhan jumped up. “Your Auntie
Ailish is there. He pointed towards an empty corner.
“Michael are you crazy? She’s gone with Mam and Dad.”
“No! She was there I swear, did you not hear her say to
carry on?”
They could hear footsteps running towards the front door and
Siobhan quickly pulled on her jeans, forgetting her panties in her haste to be
decent. The front door slammed shut and
Donal was shouting for them.
“Can one of you bring me to Sligo General hospital? Auntie
Ailish had a heart attack, your mother is gone in the ambulance and I don’t
think I’m safe to drive as I just had a whiskey with Dad.”
“Is she ok? What’s happening?”
“I’ve no idea, your
mam has no phone. Please hurry.”
“I’ll do it, I know the way. You’ll be ok with the babies
won’t you?” Siobhan said to Michael. Again, she heard a horrible wail. “Looks
like they want to join in the melee anyway, that’s them off.”
“They’re not crying, Shiv.”
Three cries, Auntie Ailish sitting on the chair. Michael knew with a horrible clarity that Auntie Ailish had gone from this world, and she had passed Siobhan the so-called “gift”.
Easkey by night, image copied from TripAdvisor
Bunworth Banshee, Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland by Thomas Crofton Croker, 1825 from Wikipedia |
Now I'll leave you with a little thought, I often wondered if it is entirely a coincidence that Banshee, the shrieking woman sounds so like "bean an ti" pronounced ban-an-chee, which means the woman of the house? A man is behind that one for sure : )
Thank you for taking part in Spank or Treat. I hope you enjoyed the short story. To be in with one of two chances to recieve a free ebook copy of Mastering Maeve or My Naughty Little Secret along with a $5 (USD) Blushing Books Gift Certificate, simply answer the question in the comments below: who was watching Siobhan being spanked? And please leave an email address where I can contact the winner.Visit the all other participating authors, check out their free stories and comment to be in with a chance to win one of the grand prizes...
Plus, all Spank or Treaters are eligible for free books!
- Holding Hannah, by Maren Smith
Available to the first 50 participants!
- Love’s Reprise, by Cassandre Dayne, Lucy Felthouse, Olivia Starke, Kate Richards, and Anastasia Vitsky
- Coming to Terms, by Cara Bristol, Jade Cary, Alta Hensley, Celeste Jones, Sue Lyndon, Renee Rose, and Anastasia Vitsky
Available to ALL participants who complete the Spank or Treat 2013 challenge!
Many authors will also be offering a contest on their individual blogs. Your comment on their blogs automatically enters you in both the main contest and the individual contests!
What’s the catch? Absolutely nothing! We love writing for you and want to thank you for your readership. Perhaps someone might get a spanking or two, but that’s a
reward rather than a catch, right?

Here are the rules:
- Visit each blog between the Friday, October 25th and Sunday, October 27th to read the posted stories and excerpts.
- Leave a comment answering the story question on each blog. You will receive one entry per blog for the grand prize drawing. You will also be automatically entered in that author’s individual contest, if she has one.
- If you have visited all of the blogs, visit Ana’s blog to sign up for FIVE bonus entries to the grand prize.
Deadline is midnight EDT (UTC -4) on October 27th!!
- If you successfully completed the Spankee Doodle, Love Spanks, or last year’s Spank or Treat 2012 challenge, you may add “VIP” to your comments. You will earn THREE bonus entries toward the grand prize. (Yes, we will be doing this again. Yes, if you successfully complete the Spank or Treat challenge you can become a VIP for our next activity!)
- Visit any of the participating blogs on Thursday, October 31st to find out the lucky winners. Will it be you?
Participating Authors are....
Happy Hallowe'en everybody and thank you for participating.