I'm sitting at my computer writing, and my daughters come downstairs. Now they're pretty grown up, between ten and twelve, but they have a doting Dad who is inclined to spoil them. He left for work early this morning, and they look at me...hopefully but already knowing the answer...
"Mammy, I'm hungry," says daughter one. Daughter two is cuter, she waits for daughter one to do the talking.
"Well, you know what to do about that," I reply.
"Where's Dad," asks daughter two in an accusatory tone, he's supposed to be here to serve her.
"Gone to work," I reply tapping away.
Somehow they manage to fix themselves breakfast, like they always do when he's away, but they're really not happy.
But do I care? No, because I think kids of that age are well capable of putting some cereal in a bowl and adding milk, and doing it for them is not only silly, but maybe even a little damaging. But they're his little girls and I think it's sweet that he looks out for them. And then I remember the lovely cup of coffee he brought me before leaving for work, it's really no different, he likes taking care of us.
Just what is it about daddies and their little girls that makes them so protective? I can't answer that but as long as it continues to spill over to the wife, and I get my coffee, I'm not going to complain!
And how does this make me a bad mom? Well apart from letting them feed themselves or starve, I'm letting them believe that men should spoil them.
This blog is intended for the use and enjoyment of those over 18 years old. If you are under 18 please leave immediately, before your parents catch you.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Friday, 26 July 2013
Saturday Spankings

Yes siree, it's that spankilicious time of the week again when we get a sneak peek at what everyone is writing about.I'm going to be reading on the train this week, so I hope I don't get too hot and bothered or I shall have to spank the other authors for causing me public embarrassment. I have to admit, it appeals to my very naughty side to know what I'm at when all the other unsuspecting travellers are reading their boring newspapers.
I had a real dilemma about whether to show another little sneak preview of my current work in progress to go back to my friend Siobhan, she's such a delightfully naughty character that I just love sharing her. But I left you all high and dry last week with Maeve's rejection so I figured you'd lynch me if I didn't give you a follow up. This is the first time they meet after he had rejected her advances. Larry appears unexpectedly while Maeve is in the company of another man. A spat starts, and he asks to see her in private.
“Now where were we...?” he asked, “...Oh yes, I remember.” He
kissed her hungrily, inhaling her sea scent, and grabbed her behind pulling
her as close as he could.
“Is this what you wanted,” he asked, roughly tugging her hair
to raise her mouth toward his again. She
was breathless, it was rougher than she expected, but yes, she had to admit, it
was exactly what she wanted.
“New rules Maeve, I’m no longer keeping my hands to myself.”
He undressed her; to her shock and unexpected pleasure he put her naked body
across his knee again and spanked her once more.
“No more toying with us, either it’s him or me; I expect my
woman to be faithful.” Each word was met with a sharp slap on her buttocks and while she writhed to escape the pain, she relished his possession of her.
Thank you for joining me on Saturday Spankings, please be sure to visit everyone on the list if you haven't already. And do please leave a comment, however good or bad, or even just say "Hi!"
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
So Just What is It about Spanking (Part Two)
So Just What is It about Spanking (Part Two)
If you have joined without reading my guest blog in Spanking
Romance Reviews please do click on this link and read it first as the following
will be much more meaningful if you’ve read part one.
There is so much into spanking that it’s impossible to begin
to explain every sensation, emotion and thought. Part one dealt very much with
the anticipation of a spanking. But what then, immediately after it’s over?
Again, this is a personal account, it’s not the same for everyone.
He holds me over his lap. His hand rubs my scorched tingling
bottom. I’m satisfied. Finally it’s enough even to quench my raging thirst for
spanking. I tremble in sensual delight as the heat turns to sublime pleasure. The
reaction of my sex organs is almost the equivalent of a male hard on as
everywhere “down there” is swollen, throbbing and alive. I absolutely need to be touched. His hand drops
between my legs, touching my engorged clit and labia. I push against his hand,
greedy for more. I try to adjust my position to coax his fingers inside my
aching vagina. Finally after what seems like forever he pushes them inside and
my pussy swallows them greedily. My hips are thrusting, gyrating, trying to get
the absolute maximum pleasure but right now fingers don’t cut it. I need his cock.
“Please… fuck me,” I
beg in desperation. I fight to get up…So I can take back some control, force
him to be as needy as me. Then it becomes a battle of wills, I want him inside
so I use all my feminine guiles to bring him to my level of greed. It’s not
hard as the dominance of the spanking has already made him feel horny as hell,
not to mention the vista of a delightfully pink round backside blushing under
his touch, and the wet welcoming pussy purring to his touch.
The sex is electric.
Hard and furious. Forget gentle, lovemaking…there’s no time for that. Once he’s
in I push against him to get it as deep as possible, and then I thrust again
and again, encouraging him to speed up. My body has long ago tensed up for
orgasm (I’ve probably already had two or three across his lap while he played
with my pussy) and the intensity is amazing. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced
with “Vanilla” sex.
Afterwards, if it has been a really good spanking, my bottom
tingles for hours, or even better a day or two and that keeps the lust light
burning, leading to a really exciting sex life.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
So Just what is it about spanking
That's the topic I'm talking about over on the Spanking Romance Reviews guest blog, come along and have a look. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to post there, many thanks guys.
Follow the link:
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Getting up close and personal
Up 'til now I've kept most of my posts pretty clean and impersonal but today I'm breaking the mould!
The other half has been away for a few days. On one level it's been great as he hasn't been here to nag me about spending too long at the computer and I wrote non stop.
On the other hand, You all know what I write!
And this new WIP also has some hot spanking and sex scenes, a lot of which were written this weekend. So I've been driving myself totally crazy with all these lewd thoughts and no hubby to take my rampant raging hormones out on.
He absolutely refuses to read anything I write, he says he doesn't want to know. But that's not strictly true. He sits across the table from me and I read out the "good stuff," and he's my hardometer. If he's horny when I'm done reading, then I know I've done an ok job. He has three or four scenes to listen to when he gets home. I sure hope I did a good job and the hardometer is very happy! ;-D
A little taster of what he's going to have to listen to:
“Don’t you dare come,” he warned, knowing that his saying it
would make it all the harder to resist. He penetrated her pussy with his
fingers gathering as much moisture as he could. He could feel her muscles
tightening around him ready for climax and he cruelly withdrew them, causing
her to emit a low whimper of disappointment. He used her moisture to lubricate
the tight puckered little bottom hole, penetrating it deeply with his finger.
Her anus fought the intrusion and she whimpered some more.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Saturday Spankings Bloghop

A humiliation even worse than spanking.....
A follow on to my as yet untitled WIP, last week I introduced you to a young lady, Maeve, who was trying to readjust the balance of power after she had been unexpectedly spanked by a customer/potential investor. They have moved on a bit from there, and Maeve unfortunately seems to misread the signals and makes a move on the same gentleman. He spilled something on his shirt and as he took it off, she rubbed his deliciously muscular chest.It starts off ok, he responds well enough but....(read on)
He cupped her rounded bottom with his hands, pulling her
hips into him until he realised he was virtually stabbing her with his
erection, and released the pressure a little. All the while, she continued
rubbing his chest, shoulders and back. It felt so good, especially when she
moved her hands towards his lower tummy. Damn, he wanted her so badly.
Panic hit him: he had to stop this before it went any
further. He pulled away and grabbed a
fresh shirt. He saw her eyes search his face, hurt and humiliated. Before he
had a chance to speak she left the room.
Thank you for dropping by. Please do drop in on all the blogs as some delicious treats are sure to await you.
Some days I wonder what my life would be like without my girlfriends. Honest to God, they are the best.
I have one particular girlfriend I talk to at least three times a week, often for over an hour at a time. And we talk pure codsawallop (rubbish) most of the time. I hate when hubby is around for these phonecalls as I feel stupid if he's eavesdropping as it is such nonsense.
Sometimes we moan about the lot of being a wife and mother, sometimes we bitch about someone who has annoyed either of us and sometimes we just moan about the weather. Now that might sound like a lot of moaning, but in reality what starts off as a whinging session ALWAYS ends up with both of us roaring laughing, turning the whole situation into a farce. And when you laugh at something you see how ridiculously petty you're being. Many a marriage is saved by good girlfriends.
I have another friend who tells me her hubby absolutely loves when she gets off the phone after a bitching session, because whatever she had been nagging him or arguing with him about is then out of her system. And yes, she is usually laughing when she gets off the phone.
So lets hear it for sisterhood. I love my girlfriends.
I have one particular girlfriend I talk to at least three times a week, often for over an hour at a time. And we talk pure codsawallop (rubbish) most of the time. I hate when hubby is around for these phonecalls as I feel stupid if he's eavesdropping as it is such nonsense.
Sometimes we moan about the lot of being a wife and mother, sometimes we bitch about someone who has annoyed either of us and sometimes we just moan about the weather. Now that might sound like a lot of moaning, but in reality what starts off as a whinging session ALWAYS ends up with both of us roaring laughing, turning the whole situation into a farce. And when you laugh at something you see how ridiculously petty you're being. Many a marriage is saved by good girlfriends.
I have another friend who tells me her hubby absolutely loves when she gets off the phone after a bitching session, because whatever she had been nagging him or arguing with him about is then out of her system. And yes, she is usually laughing when she gets off the phone.
So lets hear it for sisterhood. I love my girlfriends.
Phone Phobia
A friend told me yesterday that they lost their mobile (cell?) phone on the train and it really set me thinking. That has got to be my worst nightmare!
There are two places where my two worlds collide, i.e.: the sensible middle aged "mammy" and small town Irish neighbour/ friend or my alter ego: spanko and erotic writer. My phone and my computer. If either was to get into the wrong hands I'd lose my life, (well ok, maybe just a lot of face, but we Irish are known for our exaggeration)
Jaysus, the text messages between hubby and I alone are enough to get me locked up, I dunno how much of this is legal! It would set many a hair on end.
And worse, my Tara FB page, tells so much of the real me that I normally hide. And my private e-mail addresses.... it doesn't bear thinking about. Thank God I have an iPhone. Hubby heard on the radio that there was a deactivation code with it so if it gets lost I can make sure nobody can access it.Normally he's an even bigger technophobe than me and he shuts off with any mention of smart phones but for some strange reason he wrote down how I could find out my deactivation code...I knew there was a reason I still loved him after all these years! ; D
There are two places where my two worlds collide, i.e.: the sensible middle aged "mammy" and small town Irish neighbour/ friend or my alter ego: spanko and erotic writer. My phone and my computer. If either was to get into the wrong hands I'd lose my life, (well ok, maybe just a lot of face, but we Irish are known for our exaggeration)
Jaysus, the text messages between hubby and I alone are enough to get me locked up, I dunno how much of this is legal! It would set many a hair on end.
And worse, my Tara FB page, tells so much of the real me that I normally hide. And my private e-mail addresses.... it doesn't bear thinking about. Thank God I have an iPhone. Hubby heard on the radio that there was a deactivation code with it so if it gets lost I can make sure nobody can access it.Normally he's an even bigger technophobe than me and he shuts off with any mention of smart phones but for some strange reason he wrote down how I could find out my deactivation code...I knew there was a reason I still loved him after all these years! ; D
Monday, 15 July 2013
Yahoo, finally....
At long last... Swimwear suitable for spankos. Now I need never worry about the high cut legs showing a little more than I bargained for.
The tankini with boxer short type bottoms were my saviour for a time but then they became impossible to get here in Ireland.
This may sound like such a silly thing to get excited about but I'm such a couch potato and the only sport I enjoy is swimming but there have been times I thought it safer to avoid the pool, lest I might upset people by showing too much (red) flesh.
But now there's the "Boyleg Swimsuit" so I can combine my two favourite hobbies safely. Thank you Slazenger! You have no idea how happy this makes me. I got one of these cossies and they cover more than the average pair of shorts.
I've spent the last couple of weeks trying my damndest to work on a couple of different WIP's and finally I've found my way. When I wrote My Naughty Little Secret, I hadn't read anything in this genre and I had absolutely no pre-conceived ideas of what was right or wrong, or what would please or displease the reader. I wrote what I wanted without knowing or caring what had gone before. Then when I discovered Stormy Night Publications, not only as a publisher for me but as an incredible publisher in this genre, I started reading everything I could lay my hands on.
Holy Moses, they have published some seriously hot stuff, the steam rises from my nostrils (and other bits) as I read Natasha, Renee, Constance, Breanna, Adaline, and so on, and on, and on. A fantastic line up that make me quiver in my boots.
I wanted to be like them and every day I sat at the computer trying to be something I'm not. Finally I'm beginning to realise, each of those wonderful writers has their own unique voice, it's not my job to imitate them, but rather to find a voice of my own.
Truth is strong, feisty, brattish women are a real feature of Irish society, most of us need a good kick in the arse but heaven help the poor man who tries to give us one, he's going to have to be well able to face the consequences. And they are the characters I love, the feisty, stubborn woman and the man who takes her on. So maybe that should be my trademark for the future.
Holy Moses, they have published some seriously hot stuff, the steam rises from my nostrils (and other bits) as I read Natasha, Renee, Constance, Breanna, Adaline, and so on, and on, and on. A fantastic line up that make me quiver in my boots.
I wanted to be like them and every day I sat at the computer trying to be something I'm not. Finally I'm beginning to realise, each of those wonderful writers has their own unique voice, it's not my job to imitate them, but rather to find a voice of my own.
Truth is strong, feisty, brattish women are a real feature of Irish society, most of us need a good kick in the arse but heaven help the poor man who tries to give us one, he's going to have to be well able to face the consequences. And they are the characters I love, the feisty, stubborn woman and the man who takes her on. So maybe that should be my trademark for the future.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Saturday Spankings

A little taster...
You work in the service industry and you don't quite measure up, one of your customers, also a potential investor takes exception and treats you like a very naughty young lady.
How would you react? This is the situation this young lady found herself in. This is the first proper meeting since he took her to task.
“Not late am I?” she asked tauntingly, sensing his
impatience but knowing that try as he might he couldn’t fault her timekeeping.
“No, just on time,” he smiled through gritted teeth. Maeve
was emboldened by the tension in his tone.
“So, Mr Williamson, what
did you want to discuss?” she cut to the chase.
“Don’t you think it’s time you called me Larry, if we’re
going to be in business together?” he asked.
I do hope you enjoyed my little snippet, and enjoyed checking out all of the others on the blog hop.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Sunshine Again!
Wow Wow Wow,
More sunshine - everything and everyone is going delirious with the heat. Even the birds are going crazy. I went out to the line to hang out yet more bed-linen (because the lesser known eleventh commandment is Thou Must Wash Bed-linen in Heatwaves, right?) and while I was outside no less than three sparrows came into the house to escape the 30 degree heat.
They were blinded, flying from one window to another with one of our dogs barking excitedly below them really adding to the confusion. I had my Cinderella Disneyesque moment while I lifted the poor terrified birds and released them outside. I wouldn't mind but their gratitude didn't extend so far as to help me fold the freshly laundered sheets...sadly my movie like moment ended before the housework began. Typical!
Enjoy the sunshine all.
More sunshine - everything and everyone is going delirious with the heat. Even the birds are going crazy. I went out to the line to hang out yet more bed-linen (because the lesser known eleventh commandment is Thou Must Wash Bed-linen in Heatwaves, right?) and while I was outside no less than three sparrows came into the house to escape the 30 degree heat.
They were blinded, flying from one window to another with one of our dogs barking excitedly below them really adding to the confusion. I had my Cinderella Disneyesque moment while I lifted the poor terrified birds and released them outside. I wouldn't mind but their gratitude didn't extend so far as to help me fold the freshly laundered sheets...sadly my movie like moment ended before the housework began. Typical!
Enjoy the sunshine all.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
A right royal pain in the arse!
You'd think, being a spanko I'd be used to them right?
Well the problem I have is with writing. Y'all want punishment spankings, right? But no matter how I look at it I can't seem to get into my head that spanking is a punishment. To me it's a reward. So. to make it a punishment there has to be an element of fear, right?
And that there is my difficulty.
I never fear them, to me spanking is just good sex! That doesn't mean that sex will have to follow a spanking or indeed that it has to be part of it at all. But somehow it nearly always ends up that way. Even when we promise each other it won't.
My favourite sweet nothings whispered in my ear are, "go on upstairs and get the [cane/belt/wooden spoon] and prepeare yourself for a spanking." My insides melt and my "ladyparts" come alive.
Punishment? Who am I kidding? It's pure joy. And a right royal pain in the arse because it makes punishment so hard to describe.
Well the problem I have is with writing. Y'all want punishment spankings, right? But no matter how I look at it I can't seem to get into my head that spanking is a punishment. To me it's a reward. So. to make it a punishment there has to be an element of fear, right?
And that there is my difficulty.
I never fear them, to me spanking is just good sex! That doesn't mean that sex will have to follow a spanking or indeed that it has to be part of it at all. But somehow it nearly always ends up that way. Even when we promise each other it won't.
My favourite sweet nothings whispered in my ear are, "go on upstairs and get the [cane/belt/wooden spoon] and prepeare yourself for a spanking." My insides melt and my "ladyparts" come alive.
Punishment? Who am I kidding? It's pure joy. And a right royal pain in the arse because it makes punishment so hard to describe.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Saturday Spankings

Another excerpt from My Naughty Little Secret, Siobhan discovers Michael has been lying to her about his true identity and finally, they break through a world of lies and secrets.
I bit his lips hungrily until he moaned for me to stop or he’d be marked. I thrust my chest upwards, wanting him to take my breasts in his mouth. I was desperate to cum, yet I couldn’t let go. I was holding back. Michael told me to turn over; he knew what I needed. I had to submit to him. Then he tied my hands above my head to the headboard and put some pillows under my hips. He played with my clit causing me to moan in pleasure, making me beg for more. Then he spanked me, hard. Finally, I could feel my body yielding to his will.
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