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Saturday 30 November 2013

#SaturdaySpankings 30 November 2013

A little Corbin's Bend teasing taster is in order I think as I won't be back on Saturday Spankings for a few weeks due to the crazy pre-Christmas activities that are part and parcel of being a parent.

Setting the scene:
Ange and Jim have just arrived, (literally just arrived as in just got out of their hired car from the airport, late in the evening) to a new life in Corbin's Bend, Colorado. A place where you dare to dream the dream, live the life you love and nobody will think the less of you for it.
Ange, a bit of a neat freak, wants to go unpacking immediately. Jim has other ideas, he wants to celebrate their arrival and leave the unpacking until morning. So he taunts Ange in order to get her to co-operate.

“Bastard, you always get me; now open that wine,” Ange said with a grin.

“You’ll probably have to watch your language now Ange, messing aside, I don’t think they’ll go for it here. I never knew how you could swear like a trooper all the time outside class but not in it.”

“I suppose I will; mind you, you’re not much better, and if you tell me it’s all right for a man you know I’ll have to thwap you one. Maybe we should start a swear jar, the problem is I don’t notice it half the time.”     

                “I’ve a way to make you notice it, a good wallop every time I catch you at it will soon sort you out.” he said handing her a glass. She poked her tongue out at him with a grin and said:
 “Cheers and welcome to our new life.”

Ange might be in for a bit of a rude awakening, me thinks!!!

Spanks for stopping by. Click on the links below to visit all the hot snips. At the moment I'm hoping I'll make the December 21 Satspanks blog hop but just in case my kids come up with other plans for me, have a happy Christmas one and all. I will blog on and off, just maybe not on Saturdays. 


  1. Thwap, hm? That's a new one for me.

    Swear jars always sound like a good idea, but who has change these days? :

    1. LOL Ana, maybe they'll invent a swear jar that takes plastic! I'd be robbed.

  2. Thwaps and swear jars - sounds like someone is in trouble.

    1. We like a little trouble every now and then, don't we Leigh ;)

  3. I do remember the Christmas crazies with the kids and I do miss it. I like this couple, I like the way they relate to one another. I don't thing the swear jar would change my language much - now a good walloping, that's a different story.

    1. Hmm, I don't think either a swear jar or a walloping would cure me PK. Yes the crazies are fun and all too soon they grow up and that excitement is gone. I'll do my best to just enjoy the moments as they happen

  4. We tried that, cept I like the kind of spankings I got for swearing...

  5. @Pooky, And I married a sailor. Neither one of us notices the swearing any more. lol

    Go ahead, Tara. Let her thwap him one. lol, I'd LOVE to see how that one turns out!

    1. Hmm, could make for a few sparks alright.:) Sauce for the goose and all that!

  6. Yay! #CorbinsBend! I cannot wait to read the whole of this, Tara!

  7. OH, this sounds interesting for sure.

  8. Yup, Ange definitely is going to have to mend her ways in Corbin's Bend or it won't be just her hubby taking her to task, and you don't want to mess with those who believe spanking is the answer to every problem.

    1. Now that thought really would concentrate the mind Kathryn, even my potty mouth might be cured if I was worried about the authorities taking me to task :)

  9. I envision a lot of spankings for swearing.

  10. If I got it for swearing, I'd get spanked continually. I'll miss you!

    1. Yeah, me too Angie. I don't think I'd ever sit comfortably.
      Thank you - I'll miss the blog too, it's my weekend treat - I might get to check in on it from the car though but it just won't be the same without the fresh pot of coffee.

  11. Love this snippet Tara. I can’t wait for the whole story :)

    1. Thanks Constance - and I'm really looking forward to reading yours too. I can't believe it's December already - it won't be long til spring 2014 and then #CorbinsBend

  12. Cheers and welcome to our new life! Nice. Looking forward t reading this!!

  13. I wonder how many good wallops it will take for her to mind?

    1. oh, lots I should think Maddie. Some habits aren't so easy broken

  14. Hope you have a great Christmas Season, Tara! And if I got spanked every time I swore….well, it's a good thing I don't live in Corbin's Bend:) Can't wait to read about it though!

    1. Me too Johnna, I'd never sit right! You have a great Christmas too.

  15. way fun snippet... yeah, swear jar :D I'm reminded of my swearing shirt :D
