Hey Tara and fellow spanking fans! Thank you for hosting Finding
Submission on your blog today. I hope
you enjoy the funny, spider excerpt I have for you all today. I know that Tara is a fellow Arachnophobic,
and knew she would appreciate this excerpt! (TF: Thanks very much :p - I noticed a few spider references in the book, Megan! I was afraid I might have to stand on the table and throw the biggest telephone directory in the house down on my kindle!!)
Preston has just punished Avery with a
razor strop and she is being sent to the corner—but she finds out that she
isn’t alone in that corner.
Preston helped her
stand, wiping her face with a tissue before sending her to the corner. She stood in the dark corner staring at the
worn, old wood walls. She was so sore,
it hurt to stand.
How in the world
was she ever going to sit down tomorrow?
She wasn’t even
sure how she was going to sleep with a sheet over her bottom tonight. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught some
movement, and saw a huge black spider making its way to her corner. Avery screamed
pushing herself away from the corner, turning… and running right into Preston’s
“What’re you doing
out of the corner, and why in the name of hell are you screaming?” Preston’s
eyebrows were furrowed, and no doubt he simply thought she was being
“N-no, I’m not being bad. I promise,” Avery said, quickly. “It’s a
spider. Preston you have to kill
it. It’s huge and I can’t — I won’t
-- stand in the corner until he’s dead. Kill him, please!”
Preston laughed,
gently grabbing her by the shoulders and walking around her to the corner. “Well, he’s pretty big. I have to say. We’ll just get rid of him for you.” He killed the spider and pointed to the dead
body on the floor of the woodshed.
She nodded,
satisfied that his legs had been crushed from his body and he was unable to
march in her direction — or any direction — again. She resolutely walked toward the corner
Preston stopped
her. “I think you’ve had enough. Let’s
get you up to the playroom
I hope you all enjoyed it. Follow the links below to get your copy, so
you can read more about Preston and Avery.
Preston Harrison is the picture of the gentleman Southern lawyer, as handsome and affable, as he was strict and precise. His ordered professional life suited him and his temperament, not a thing out of place, not an event unplanned. But he was more than a lawyer though -- he was also a Dom, and he made sure his personal life and professional life never intersected. Never that is until his world is turned upside down by one Avery Beauchamp, a stubborn, adorable, and way too sassy pocket Venus.
Being the only daughter of a respected Judge should’ve set Avery up for a life of ease, of privilege. But Avery had a habit of not doing anything she should -- she only did the things she wanted. Marching to the beat of her own (very smart-mouthed) drummer had always served the headstrong girl well… until the day she ran afoul of a little thing called the law.
A strict southern lawyer and a color-outside-the-lines misdemeanor offender should have been like oil and water. But when a Judge’s daughter finds herself on the wrong side of the law, she’s presented with a choice: a fine and possible jail time, or an alternative sentence. Preston -- against his better judgment -- finds himself agreeing to the rather unique sentence for the wayward girl: house arrest for Avery.
There was one problem for Avery though: the house where she would serve her sentence wasn’t hers -- it was Preston’s. Worse, as she learns what working for the strict Preston Harrison really means -- and how deep her own repressed desires might go -- she fears that she might lose more than her freedom to the devastatingly handsome Dom. She might lose her heart too.
Note: This BDSM erotic romance includes the following acts or themes: bare bottom spanking and other corporal punishment, D/s, explicit sexuality, anal play, and BDSM activity including kitty/pet play. If these acts or themes might be offensive to you, please do not buy this book.
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Finding-Submission-Megan-Michaels-ebook/dp/B00QH35HIO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1417617131&sr=8-2&keywords=finding+submission
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/finding-submission-megan-michaels/1120858690?ean=2940150075740
ARe https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-findingsubmission-1689947-147.html

The adventure of writing and getting a book published has been amazing! Reading has always been a passion for me and as far back as I can remember, I have always had at least one book on the go. Erotic romance and spanking romance are the books I crave. Who doesn't love a strong, alpha male who spanks? And if that man can be a cowboy or a pirate, well the perfect situation has been created. The bookcase shelves in our house and my Kindle are filled with BDSM, Spanking Romance, Age Play, DD, D/s, Historical Fiction, Historical Romance and Erotic Romance.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/megan.michaels.104
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeganMichaels3
Megan's Blog http://meganmichaels.blogspot.com
Megan's Goodreads page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8298537.Megan_Michaels
Thanks for having me on, Tara!!!
ReplyDeleteI freak over spiders too. Hate them. I wouldn't be able to go back to the corner even after it was dead. You never know how many friends that spider had... just saying.