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Friday 31 January 2014

#Satspanks #Corbin's Bend

Saturday Spankings

Hi all after a long absence. I hope you will forgive me but I simply had nothing new to share and it gets a bit old to read the same stuff over and over.

I started to share a little of Corbin's Bend before Christmas, but again, I'm reluctant to go into overkill before the release. It's such an exciting project though, that I wanted to give a teeny snippet more. It's a little over eight sentences, I could change the punctuation to adhere to the rules, but  it would change the implications and some of them are pretty short...

Ange assumed that Jim intended to punish her; she removed her pants and panties and waited, lying bent over the side of the bed, pillows under her hips; he was certainly taking his time.  As the minutes passed she focused on the positives. It was all out there now, her accusations, her lies and her secrecy. Ange felt oddly relieved; scared of what was coming, but relieved. No more lies. No more blame. It seemed like forever before she heard his footsteps on the stairs.  She saw him look at her, his features impassive; no look of desire.  
“Get dressed, I’m not spanking you. Not now anyway, I’m too angry.”
“Jim, please, listen…”

I hope you enjoyed this little excerpt. Be sure to hop along to all the other blogs on the list


  1. Hell, girl, this is no time to argue. Get dressed!

  2. Not a good sign when they're that angry. Cara's right, no time to argue.

    1. No, definitely not a good sign, PK. Too much brooding time then, and the punishment is sure to be worse.

  3. Ah yes, making her wait. It's very much part of the punishment, setting her mind awhirl at the possibilities of what might come, allowing her anxiety -- and anticipation -- time to buiId and build.

    I love that he decided not to punish her while angry though. Smart (and considerate) man.

    Glad you're back, Tara:)

    1. Thanks Trent,
      It's good to be back. And yes...about that anxiety...it really can be a killer.

  4. The impassive features put me over the edge. I hate that look. Glad he had the sense to wait ...

    1. Hi Shelly,
      I agree totally, nothing is worse than impassive. Eeugh.

  5. Kept waiting, but for a good reason

    1. True, Jaye. Better all round under the circumstances, but I wonder if Ange knows that?

  6. Although I agree that one should not be punished in anger, I feel for Ange because prolonging a punishment is pure agony.

    1. Me too, LA. Sometimes the things we dread are easier faced before they become too big in our minds.

  7. Well now, that was a tease, but he was thinking only of her well being. Nice!

    1. A tease? Yay! Finally I think I might be getting the hang of the Saturday Spankings. Each week I see all these experienced teases handing out little snippets that make me go and buy the book so I can see what happens next. :D Thanks Mary.

  8. Oh the too angry spank-- it's worse than a spanking isn't it??

    1. Totally,
      Especially when chances are you'll still get the spanking later. Leaving the anxiety bubbling under the surface, distracting you.

  9. very intriguing! I love all the set up to him not spanking because he's too angry

  10. Terrific set up. Too angry, that means it's still coming and the wait can be worse than the actual event.

  11. Love this snippet. One should never punish when they are angry. You captured her desperation to have it all made better by a sound spanking perfectly. She knows it's the only way she'll feel right again.

  12. Wow, powerful snippet, Tara. She's prepared to go through her punishment so she can be forgiven and they can start over, but he's too angry to even consider that course of action right now. I can imagine how devastated she is. He basically rejected her offer of amends. I really look forward to reading this book, Tara, and I hope you share a lot more of it.

  13. Oh dear. That's gotta hurt. Emotional pain, knowing that you're not forgiven yet (and might never be), is worse than any spanking. Well portrayed, Tara.

  14. He's right not to spank her when he's angry, and making her wait will just fill the head space and make her eventual punishment so more intense. Good snippet.

  15. Wow, that he is so angry definitely makes me want to keep reading; very well done! Welcome back! I know what you mean about not having new stuff, heh. I don't think it really matters because there are always new readers finding you, yes? Then again the "old" readers, etc. are seeing my site going, "Oh man NOT AGAIN." And I'm all, "Yes! Again! It's ... groundhog day all the time on MY blog!" Mwahaha.

  16. She will no doubt be wishing for the spanking and the forgiveness that comes along with it. Waiting is worse than punishment. Great snippet Tara :)
