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Friday 30 August 2013

#Satspanks, 31 08 2013

Yippee-i-ay, that time of the week again folks. Hope you're enjoying the hop so far. And by the look of the list, it's going to be a deliciously long hot hop, so fill your mug, grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.

I'm going to continue on where I left off last week, Michael's in trouble, BIG trouble. And just for a change he's the one facing a spanking, I know you're all dying to know if Siobhan has the nerve to follow through...Will you find out? Read and see ;-)

I decided to start at his preferred level, twenty strokes. His face blanched still further when I passed sentence.
“You know the drill, you’ve made me do it often enough,” I added cruelly.
He didn’t dare refuse. He knew that if I was to take his atonement seriously, he was going to have to step up to the plate. I swiped the birch along my thigh a couple of times to get the feel of it. It was an impressive implement, all right; it didn’t need a lot of power to pack a punch. The numerous twigs meant that its might was in its range—each stroke covered a large area, both like switches and then the tips were like beestings. 

I know I know, sorry it's just another tease, it's just that it was a long scene. I'll go spank myself.

Blurb and Buy link

Previous Saturday Spankings excerpts

My Naughty Little Secret

August 24, 2013
August 16/ 2013
July 5/2013
June 14,2013
May 31, 2013

From my Current WIP tentatively titled Mastering Maeve, which I hope to submit over the weekend, finally...YAY!

August 9 2013
July 26, 2013
July 12, 2013

Thank you all for reading and stay tuned for all the other #Satspankers. Enjoy.


  1. Just to put you all out of your misery, she does get to whack him a few times but she's not as tough a task master as he is, and doesn't carry out the full sentence. ;)

  2. Oh, F/M! And a birching, okay, I am hooked, hope there will be more next Saturday :)

    1. Thanks Loki. It was fun to put the shoe on the other foot, I have to admit!

  3. I had a feeling she'd at least put him though his paces, even if she didn't carry out the full sentence. He did have it coming after all. Love the snippet, Tara, and I look forward to reading more.

    1. Yes, she had to, it was well earned Kathryn.

  4. I love it!! And thanks for putting us out of our misery!

    1. Thanks Renee, I thought about dragging it out for another week but I'm too soft!

  5. "You know the drill... you've made me do it enough"
    I really like that line. Now I need to know if she follows through.

    1. Thanks LA, she's a pretty feisty heroine and isn't afraid to speak her mind.

  6. yummmmmm! love the birch, her swiping it against her thigh. love love love!

    1. They do say the spanker should test the implement first, and if the spanker is a dedicated spankee, well I guess its too tempting not to try it ;) thanks Joelle

  7. I think you should go spank yourself. With a birch. :) Sexy little piece...

  8. Can I say I loved it AND tell you to spank yourself? "You've made me do it often enough" is a great line!

  9. Great choice of snippet. The phrase, you've made me do it often enough" tells us it's reverse. Sounds like payback is going to be a bitch.

  10. *start* at the preferred level of *20* strokes. Oh, my yes. Let's start there, and then add a few more. I love it, Tara. Love a good birching.

    1. Me too Alice, there is just something so primitive about a birching. Thank you

  11. At least she did hold him accountable, and showed restraint. He needs to remember this.

    1. I think his lesson will be well learned! Honesty and trust is a two way street, as he has just found out.

  12. What a fun turn about. "Life's a birch!"

  13. Looks VERY interesting! Oh, just saw Celeste's comment...LOL. My sentiment exactly!!

  14. Oh my... the birch! How very Victorian of you, Tara. Nice snippet

  15. Awesome! and you are a pushover, I wouldn't have spilled the beans...

    1. You're probably right Abbie! I need to toughen up.

  16. F/M birching?? Tara, you naughty girl!

  17. I love sassy females. Nice one!

  18. Great snippet Tara! I’m glad she got a bit of her own back :)
