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Friday 2 May 2014

SatSpanks May 3 2014 Corbins Bend

Saturday Spankings

The Saturday Spankings Bloghop

Good day to all my fellow SatSpankers. Do you ever wonder why I am always so close to last on the list? It's because I can't seem to get blogger links right and I leave it 'til last minute so I can post live rather than schedule. Then I can see straight away if I screwed up.

I'm sharing another snippet from Exile to Unity, the Corbin's Bend novella due to be released on May 28. I'm getting real excited about this project. Thianna D's novella, Finding their Bliss releases on May 7 and Emily Tilton's Sarah's Tutorial on May 14. Be sure to get your copy of both. I know I can't wait for them.

So where did I leave you hanging last week? Oh yes, right here. The O'Briens have just landed in Corbin's Bend and Jim is pretty insistent that his reluctant wife join him in a celebratory glass of wine. She's tired and not exactly charmed to the idea but reluctantly agrees.

So what happened next?

As he entered the living area, he could see that the crates had arrived. Grateful for his wife’s organizational skills he easily spotted the crate marked kitchen; he was afraid he was going to have to do his old college day trick of pushing the cork into the bottle. He opened it and managed to find a corkscrew and a couple of mugs. Uncouth, but what the hell.  Ange came in and surveyed the chaos around him.
“Jim O’Brien, you’re worse than the fecking kids, look at the mess,” she scolded leaning down to pick things up.

“Leave them, Ange, unpacking is tomorrow.” She ignored him and he landed a sharp swat to her behind. Her eyes were ablaze as she snapped her face toward him.

Thanks for visiting. Be sure to visit all the wonderful authors on the hop this week. 


  1. Looking forward to this series. So exciting. Tara, what browser do you use? I've used both Wordpress and Blogger. Back when I used Internet Explorer as my browser, Blogger used to give me the fits. I had a hell of a time trying to get the functions to work. When I switched to Google Chrome, it was so much easier.

    1. Wow, thank you Cara. I do tend to use Explorer as so many of my other programs play up with Chrome. I will switch over for my blogging stuff in the future.
      Generally, it's ok, and I can schedule etc, but the minute I go near linkylinks that's where the problem starts.

  2. I don't think Ange appreciated that! I am really looking forward to this book, Tara.

    1. Ach, sometimes we don't know what's good for us :D
      Thanks, Casey.

  3. I agree with Cara, I've have much more luck with Google Chrome.

    Looking forward to this read.

    1. Thanks Leigh.
      No more explorer for me :D

  4. A man who would rather spank his wife than have her clean - I'm in love!

    1. LOL, I hadn't thought of it like that PK! Added bonus.

  5. I know I say it just about every week, but I adore the O'Briens. Can't wait for everyone to see the wonder that is Corbin's Bend!

    1. Soon, Emily. Very soon! Isn't it such an exciting project?

  6. I love how your couple is so realistic, how her eyes were "ablaze when she snapped her head toward him." We love the idea of them swatting us, but when it happens in the middle of a mess, it is just annoying!! Can't wait to read.

  7. I'm looking forward to this one, too!!
