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Monday 5 May 2014

Summing up my first year as an author.

On Wednesday, one year ago, My Naughty Little Secret was released on Amazon.

I started off totally blind. Clueless. So I wrote a book and I gave it to a publisher. My job was done...or so I thought. All I had to do was sit tight and wait. Oh, and get on with writing another.

I think it was James at Stormy Night Publishers who suggested I start up a facebook page and Twitter account. I have no idea who suggested blogging. So all of a sudden this anonymous person in the west of Ireland had a blog. I knew my first posts would be going to an audience of Zero. It was so weird thinking what to say, what might be of interest. And I still battle with that, every time I blog. Mostly I think why the hell would anyone care about my rants and raves.

Since then I have blogged about all sorts, sometimes smut, the odd recipe, a bit of music or a photo, every now and then, and mostly book snippets, mine or others. My blog is now approaching 25,000 (24945 to be precise) pageviews and I am totally gobsmacked.

I'm not too big on the followers, there are three - thank you each of you. I was going to name you but then thought you mightn't like it! But every time I see I have followers, it makes me smile. WOW. I have followers. Me...little old me. How the hell did that happen?

So, to anyone who has come and stopped a while, a big thank you.  Whether you read my blog, books or tweets, thank you for taking time out of your busy lives for me. To the followers, I LOVE you!
And to the amazing friends I have met on my journey, my life is so much the richer for having you all in it. You're all truly wonderful.

love You All créé par ...3

Just for the hell of it, I will offer a $10 usd Amazon or Blushing Books voucher to one random commenter, on this page, between now and midnight British summer time on May 7th, just to say thanks.

**************LATE ADDITION ***********************
crap, dimwit alert. Eejit that I am, I forgot to ask you to leave email addresses to be entered in the draw, luckily so far, I can contact all the commenters. Sorry folks...Leave an email address :D


  1. WOO HOO! 1 year, two books and a third coming soon! Look how far you've come :D


    1. It has been just amazing Thianna. And yay for the one coming soon too. But I gotta get my arse in gear for more and more :D

  2. Awesome! Congrats on one year as an author. You'll have at least four followers now :)

    1. Aw shucks, thanks for adding me Rayanna :D I will reciprocate. And wait and see, your first year will go in the blink of an eye too.

  3. Congrats! One year goes fast, doesn't it? I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately. I can still remember those first days - checking e-mail constantly for a publisher to say if they wanted a book or not...I kind of liked it (when I wasn't freaking out). It's great to know you and I wish you many many more successful years ahead. xoxo

    1. It flies, Natasha.
      Thanks for the good wishes, the great advice you have given through the year and thanks for always being there.

  4. Congrats on one year! We really did burst onto the scene at right about the same time. I am trying to remember how we became friends. I can't remember the exact point but I remember liking you from the moment we first 'met'. I am really happy that we found each other and became friends.
    I cannot wait for your next book to come out and I always love reading your blog and posts! You always make me smile :)

    1. Thanks so much ,Casey.
      Funny, I can't remember the exact point either, but I took to you straight away too. And I confess, your blog is one of my favourites. We have a similar sense of humour I think, and laugh at similar things.

  5. Congratulations. And I love the word gobsmacked.

    1. Thanks Celeste.
      Yeah, gobsmacked is just so descriptive :D

  6. Congrats on one year! And here's to many more!


    1. Thanks Angie.
      I second the many more, not just as a writer but even living!

  7. I really have enjoyed your books very much. Thank you for that, Tara! I am in awe how fast you write. I hope there are many more books to come!



    1. Thank you Han.
      I'm so pleased you commented.
      My next book is scheduled for release on May 28, it is one of the Corbin's Bend series and my first featuring a married couple. It was a joy to write in many ways as the dynamics of a long term relationship are much more real.
      Early romance is exciting because of it's newness, but a long term loging relationship, that's a different story. There are bad days and good, what counts is how you work together as a couple.

    2. I'm so looking forward to read this one. Books about a couple are different indeed, none of that awkard newness. Awkward oldness :-) Will my Ange be back?

    3. I do hope so, Han. I am rather fond of her. We will just have to wait and see! I like that, awkward oldness... No matter how long you are a couple, and think you get one another, sometimes there is awkwardness.

  8. Congratulations, Tara!!

    1. Hey, thanks Katherine it won't be that long til I see a similar post from you. <3

  9. WHOO!!HOO!! Tara:) congratulations girl!!!

  10. Happy anniversary! You've come a long way!

  11. Happy Anniversary, Tara!! I'm so glad I have gotten to know you. You are an awesome author and a great and good person. Looking forward to another year!!

    1. Aw, thanks Megan. Its been great getting to know you too.

  12. We must have started at the same time. I'm now at my first year anniversary. Oh, what a learning curve. Publisher says: Twitter, facebook, goodreads, blogging, blog hops, giveaways, Amazon - and you want me to write as well? Well done to you!

    1. Thanks Christina,

      And LOL, yeah...It can be hard to see where the writing is supposed to fit in, along with day jobs, parenting, taxi service and chief cook and bottle washer :D

      Congratulations on your first year anniversary. Lets hope we both see many more.

  13. Woo hoo! Congratulations, Tara!!

  14. Congratulations Tara. I think I'm about a year old as well. Lol. Good luck with your upcoming release too!

  15. List is closed! I now intend to randomise the list twice - first to eliminate the order of reply, then to get a completely random winner. Thank you one and all. I wish I could afford a prize for everyone.
