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Friday 6 June 2014

spankingA2Z blogging challenge F is for first

A2Z-Logo--C1            F is for First

Since you're here please stop a while and reminisce: 

                        Remember your first day of school

                   your first kiss

                                your first love,

                                 the first date with your loved one,

                                      your first spanking,
                          the birth of your first child,
                                       your first published book,

Life is full of firsts; embrace each one as if it was your last. J
Have a happy First Friday in June. And remember, today is the First day of the rest of your life: live it to the full. 

Many thanks to Celeste Jones and Spanking Romance Reviews for hosting this challenge.

Thanks for popping by. Please say hello, share a virtual cuppa and drop in on the neighbours in the links below.


  1. What a wonderful post. There are so many things we have experienced and accomplished. We should take time to remember how rich our lives have been. Thank you for taking me down memory lane.

    1. Thank you. I am so glad you enjoyed it and it made you pause a moment.

  2. The first times often feel the most special--they're certainly the events we remember.

    1. They do don't they? Even though time will often prove them to be much less significant. Personally, I think it's a lot more to do with anticipation than it is the actual event.
      For example, I have three children, who are each unique and uniquely wonderful (even though there are twins there) but I will never forget the birth of my first as I was terrified of what was in store, but I don't remember the bad parts, just falling in love with my baby as soon as it landed screaming and peeing in my arms, covered in goo. Second time around I was prepared for that amazing, all encompassing love. I knew it would happen and when it did, it didn't amaze me to the same extent. But what did amaze me was the incredible bond of twins, who within a week (it took that long to get them home where I could put them sharing a cot) were somehow managing to creep over to one another even though it defied logic that they could do that at only one week old.

  3. I know I don't take time to appreciate as much as I should. There's always more to do. Good reminder and lovely post.

    1. I think we're all guilty of that, Natasha. Time passes so quickly and we have a thousand urgent things to tackle. That's life. But once in a while, its nice to pause and think.

  4. I love it, the baby and the first spanking. You have a wierd kind of humor, Tara but I like it very much.

    1. LOL. Thank you Han. I know I have a weird sense of humour at times. But believe it or not I wasn't trying to be funny for once!
      Spanking might seem odd in that collection, but one thing I have learned since I started writing is that for so many, making spanking as a part of their lives is a huge milestone. They die a death when they relay their fantasies to their partner, and if their partner can accept and more, act on those fantasies it is like a rebirth of their entire being.

  5. You have listed many, many good firsts here. Thanks for giving me time to think back.

    1. Thanks PK, it's always nice to take a moment to reflect.
